UpRiver is a two part early warning / early action game for understanding and forecasting water levels along flood-prone areas of rivers. The first part is an analog game designed to help those in flood-prone communities better understand the models of river flooding and the importance of upstream-downstream communication for reducing flood losses. The second part, an SMS-based game played on cell phones, aims to both put into place an actual communication network that relays upstream information (thus triggering preparedness measures downstream), and to crowd-source river level data to improve computer models.
Civic Seed
Civic Seed is an online multiplayer RPG and collective art project developed to prepare college students for community service. It was tested at Tufts University to enhance learning and deepen students' understanding of community contexts. An open source browser-based app developed in HTML 5 and node.js.
Community PlanIt
Community PlanIt was a game for community planning, used for processes and issues ranging from the City of Detroit’s Long Term Plan, to youth unemployment in Moldova, to school planning in the LA Unified School District and Boston Public Schools.
Risk horizon
The global view of risk management as an unaffordable cost, especially in developing countries. The game Risk Horizon allows participants to learn risk management through experiential gameplay. More than 5,000 government employees worldwide found it to be the most memorable part of the course, highlighting its potential to change perceptions of risk management as a development tool.
Unlocking Health
A digital game that immerses players in a fictional world called Zariba, where they act as World Bank Results-Based Financing (RBF) for Health consultants, designing and implementing an RBF program. They face real-world challenges and adapt their strategies to meet healthcare service goals. The game has two phases and lasts 45 minutes, with the option to replay. In Phase 1, players explore, gather information, and create an RBF program proposal. In Phase 2, they monitor and adapt the program in real time. Developed with the World Bank and played by hundreds of health policy experts around the world.
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Argon Level
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